For military families, there is the before, the during, and the after. Your life revolves around cycles - and I'm not talking about school cycles or even calendar years. I'm talking about tours, duty stations, detachments, deployments, surges, IAs, and the countless other ways those who serve "do" their jobs. I know families who have been given two weeks notice that they are moving halfway across the world. I know new mothers who have had to come to terms with their husband being sent on an IA for the next fifteen months. So how, do you ask, do military families handle this?
Read MoreFour sisters and their darling cousin. Five lovely girls, as smart, sweet, and silly as they are beautiful - just frolicking around Deception Pass State Park. What a night we had playing together and romping around the beach. How lucky are they?! To have each other as lifelong friends and companions.
Read MoreDrinking cold coffee while bare feet pitter-patter around you. Reading books with two little bottoms curled up in your lap. Squishing play dough through your fingers as you try to keep it out of mouths. Pushing the tire swing in the front yard while you watch the wind blow their hair. Taking shoes off and on and on and off as they move from inside to outside to back inside.
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