Home at Last | Whidbey Island Family Photographer
Military homecomings have my heart. They are always special, unique, and emotional.
It’s even more special when I get to document a homecoming for a friend, especially someone I admire and look up to as a mother and military spouse. Elizabeth is such a special, beautiful soul. She’s real, funny, and kind. As we were talking before the planes landed, she added up all the time her hubby had been gone in the past few years, and it was A LOT.
Sometimes the timing works out so that a service member deploys with their squadron, comes home and switches squadrons (orders), and that squadron happens to be deploying as well. So they go again, and do their job, while their family stays behind.
After the jets had landed and one thousand hugs had been given, I kept hearing Frank say over and over, “I can’t believe how big you’ve gotten!” to the kids. And they had.
Service men and women give up time to do their jobs. Time to train, time to travel, and time to do the mission abroad. In a way time stands still while they’re gone. But kids grow, seasons change, and life moves forward. Family life moves into overdrive when they return, and every moment is appreciated that much more.
I’m so happy this family is reunited again, and that their lives can more forward together. Thank you Willis family for your service. Happy homecoming!!