Campfire Session at Bowman Bay | Oak Harbor, WA Family Photographer
If I've learned anything since I picked up a camera and started down the path that has now become my passion - it's that photography is a journey. There is no finish line. No feeling of "well now I know everything so that's that." You practice, find the subjects and lighting and ambiance that makes the hair on your arms stand up - and you chase it. You fall down, get back up and keep moving forward. You judge yourself, test your abilities, stay up WAY too late WAY too many nights. And you can't get enough of it.
I tend to be a pretty introverted person, content with sitting behind the desk and editing, researching, posting, etc. Which has worked fine up until now, when a few new photographers moved into town and made me be their friend. I know!! The humanity!! But seriously, I've met some amazing ladies and gents this past year who not only push me ahead on my journey (because they are SO good y'all and I gotta keep up), but who have become my friends, mentors, and a pretty rockin' support system.
This particular night a group of us met up for a shoot-out at Bowman Bay in Anacortes. It doesn't get more PNW than this backdrop with the cliffs, trees, beach, and water all combining for one gorgeous night. Our friend Kim (of The Big Day Photography), was on the opposite side of the camera with her sweet, magical family - and she totally ROCKED it. Kim is like a gorgeous mermaid just walking around smiling and lifting the rest of the world up. She's a free spirit, a loving mother, and a kick-ass wedding photographer. Her family travels around the country in their restored vintage school bus while Kim works with couples to make their dream weddings a reality.
I had such a blast hanging with the rest of our crazy bunch (June Bug Photography, J Hodges Photography, and Team Shaw Photography), as we watched Kim and the people she loves most play, snuggle, and just love on each other. Oh, and make organic s'mores (turns out organic graham crackers are not as delicious as they sound).
It was a blessed night, and I am blessed to know this group, who truly make me look forward to the next phase of my journey.