January 366 Project + the Compound Effect | Kara Chappell Photography
I don’t know about you, but January has seemed loooooooooooong this year. Maybe it’s because it’s rained almost every day here in Washington, or maybe it’s because those pesky resolutions we all make demand action day after day (after day). And sometimes you just want to give up and throw in the towel - am I right?!
I’m trying a different approach this year and am leaning into the Compound Effect - the belief that everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to a life that you don’t. Little by little, small decisions create big results over time. And while I’m committed to giving myself grace when I inevitably mess up - I’m already seeing results and it’s SO encouraging!
Typically, I’m the type of person who sets a goal, does okay at it, messes up once, and then beats myself up so much that it’s hard to move forward. But this year I have some B-I-G goals - for my business, my family, my health (okay, pretty much everything!). I’m back in therapy, working on loving myself and caring for myself, and I found an AMAZING life coach who is literally organizing my entire life. I’m moving forward, every single day, and realizing that my life, my dreams, and my work can be bigger than I’ve ever imagined.
One of the big goals I committed to this year was to start (and FINISH!) a 365 project - or rather a 366 project since it’s a leap year. I joined an incredible group of women led by Kristyn Miller, whose Documented Heart project is guiding our way and giving us all a flexible way to stay accountable. I’m taking pictures every day and collecting at least one per day throughout the entire year. I’m sharing them in bits and pieces - mostly on IG stories - because I don’t want to be motivated by the number of likes or comments the images receive. I’m documenting our lives and am pleasantly surprised that I haven’t missed a day yet!
I’m still figuring out how I want to combine the images throughout the year into an album for my family, but I definitely want to remember how I felt and why I wanted to remember each moment.
Here are a few of my favorite memories from these past 31 days:
The way the rocky beach felt uneven and heavy under our feet.
How ten minutes outside, on the beach, can make us all feel better.
When I appreciated a beautiful moment and didn’t have to pick up my camera to enjoy it.
The proof I documented that I was here too (which is why I got in 9 pictures this month - yay!).
The joy I felt watching Sophie’s 2nd grade school performance “Flakes” (I’m a stage mom), and the joy Ryan felt watching me freak out.
How much fun the kids had in the snow. Even the big kid (daddy).
How much the girls (especially Emma) love Lucky these days.
How I’ve surprised myself by the creativity I find when I wait until the last possible moment to pick up my camera.
How much fun I still have learning new editing techniques.
Sophie feeling (and looking!) so grown and beautiful on her 8th birthday.
Realizing that I can do hard things.
Watching the ebb and flow of Sophie and Emmas’ lives and marveling in the young women they are becoming.
What I see in these images is not perfection. In fact, it’s far from that. I see my life, unfolding, in all its ups and downs, sun and clouds. I see memories that I can now hold on to forever. I see that showing up matters. Being present matters.
And I feel insanely grateful.
(p.s. I’m sharing an awesome post below from Albuquerque Baby and Newborn Photographer Stacey Adams, who recommended a whole bunch of books to add to your baby registry - brilliant!).

Thanks for checking out my 366 project so far! Check in on Instagram for new images I add every week.
Now I’m happy to share Albuquerque Baby and Newborn Photographer Stacey Adams must-read article about her 12-favorite books to add to your baby registry. Check it out friends!
Interested in booking a family portrait session with me this spring? My calendar is filling up fast! Give me a holler asap and we’ll find the perfect spot for you and your family.