Saying Goodbye to Whidbey | Whidbey Island, WA Family Photographer
This session reminded me why I absolutely LOVE to photograph families. The energy the kids bring, the love mom and dad gush out on their kiddos, the joy everyone has being outside and being together - it gives me all the feels, people.
Carrie and Eric are givers. They serve in so many areas of their lives, and are such amazing examples of love and compassion for their kids. While Eric serves his country as a member of the US Navy, Carrie gives her time and energy to Sole Hope, an organization that helps to provide education and medical relief from foot-related diseases in Uganda. She even travels to Uganda several times a year to take shoes, socks, and medical supplies to the Sole Hope team on the ground, helping wherever and however she can.
This session was bittersweet for the Hoeners, as they are preparing for a move to California this summer. Carrie wanted to capture some family pictures that would remind them all of their time living on Whidbey Island. And man - Whidbey did not disappoint on this night! We started at the gun battery at Fort Ebey State Park, and moved down to the beach for sunset. This is by far one of my favorite sessions ever, and I'm so proud to send off this amazing family with these gorgeous memories.