A Sunset Family Session at Fort Ebey | Whidbey Island Family Photographer
This session gives me allllll the feels. First of all – I absolutely love me some Mary. She was one of the first photographer friends I made on Whidbey, and is always there to talk shop or boost me up when I need encouragement or insight. And she is such an amazing mama, putting her beautiful boys first in all things. My girls have become quite found of the charming Mr. Finn, who is as sweet as he is adorable. So naturally when I found out this amazing family was moving to Japan, I was so happy for them – but so sad for myself! One of the hard truths of military life is that most of the amazing people you are lucky enough to know are not in your lives for very long.
I have been dying to photograph this gorgeous family since I met them, and finally(!) convinced Mary we could make it work. And then, wouldn’t you know it – it was the windiest day ever! Like 18 mph winds. But we sucked it up and made it work and I am so very glad we did. We ended up having a glorious evening and sunset at the bluff and beach on Fort Ebey. We visited the forest, hillside, cliffs and ocean (Whidbey Island, I heart you). We worked hard and played hard. The boys were such troopers and I seriously LOVE every single image we captured together.
This family is the real deal folks. Whidbey is going to miss them so very much.